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Key Insights from ISBT BevTech 2024

At this year’s ISBT BevTech, the overarching theme was clear; sustainability and innovation go hand in hand. What is new and novel, is likely sustainable for the industry. From plant-based preservatives to “biotech” non-nutritive sweeteners, there was an openness to learn, change, and improve an established industry with new technology.

Record-breaking attendance in Orlando, FL affirmed that the ISBT is robust and growing. New attendees gave a clear message; the time for a refresh is now. Manufacturers of energy drinks, teas, and alternative beverages offered new input to the ISBT guidance documents so they would more accurately reflect current priorities of innovation and sustainability. 

Sugaright (Mary Pellettieri, Beverage Specialist) had the opportunity to speak to the Sweetener Technical Committee on behalf of the Sucrose Subcommittee. The presentation "Adopting Sustainably Processed Cane Sugar in Beverages for a Positive Environmental Impact​" focused on how innovative companies have changed sucrose specifications to meet sustainability goals.

We presented the question – are tight guidelines reasonable for ALL products considering today’s pressure for measurable sustainability improvements?

Color and ash specifications were discussed and highlighted as the key quality specifications that can be adjusted for many types of beverages. For example, why use a low color, low ash liquid sucrose in a beverage when other ingredients are high in color and ash? The benefit is a sustainability savings of 85% carbon and water for the sweetener input.

Attendees received the discussion positively. Sugaright looks forward to engaging with the Subcommittee to continue the conversation and to offer suggestions to modify and append the ISBT Guidance Documents to reflect current reality and priorities.

Sugaright…Changing the Way You Think About Sugar


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