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Keeping the Goods Moving!

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week marks a special celebration of America’s Highway Heroes and pays tribute to all that professional truck drivers have done to help carry America through the coronavirus pandemic and keep our economy and communities moving forward. Often, this meant sacrificing their own health and wellbeing, or that of their families at home. As essential workers, the efforts and contributions of frontline truck drivers are deserving of America’s gratitude and appreciation. When the world stopped, they kept moving!

There are more than 3.6 million professional truck drivers nationwide that deliver the goods and products our communities need. Everything from the food on the shelves in grocery stores, to the medical equipment in hospitals – 70% of America’s freight tonnage is annually delivered by truck, which amounts to over 10 billion tons. These professional men and women log over 400 billion miles every year and roughly, 80 percent of U.S. communities depend solely on the trucking industry as the only method to receive their goods and commodities.

"There isn't an American in any community today that isn't impacted by the work of professional truck drivers," said ATA Chairman Randy Guillot. "America's truck drivers provide for our families and uplift our country, often in the face of immense obstacles, and their efforts must never be taken for granted.”

We agree. At Sugaright, our truckers are critical to the success of our business and so we took a moment last week to offer a small token of appreciation in gratitude for being a critical part of our team.

Hear a resounding “THANK YOU” to all of the drivers for:

  • prompt and professional deliveries

  • driving safely

  • being flexible by taking on additional loads

  • following our health and safety policies including mask wearing and temperature checks.

  • and for being true partners with us.

Stay safe, stay healthy and let us keep on truckin’…..


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