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For Sale: Bonsucro Certified Sugar

At Bonsucro Week in Nicaragua, CSC Sugar/Sugaright was granted the right to buy and sell Bonsucro Certified Cane Sugar through mass balance. To achieve certification, we had to prove that we have rigorous control systems in place to track sugar from the certified mill to a sale to an end-user.

As many of our customers have published goals for 100% sustainably sourced sugar by 2020, this certification offers assurance that these goals can be met.

Bonsucro is a multi-stakeholder global platform for change in the sugar cane sector. Their mission is to ensure that responsible sugarcane production creates lasting value for the people, communities, businesses, economies and eco-systems in all cane-growing origins.

Sugaright believes in that same mission; and so we are proud to do our share to assure a responsible and assured supply of cane sugar today and tomorrow.

Considering making sustainability claims about your product? Contact us for more information. Our Sustainability Team is here to help.

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