Covington Plant Receives Award for Workplace Safety

"It is really exciting to get an opportunity to come and present to a fine group of folks like you. We have investigated 25 work related fatalities in the state this year and you all have taken the stand that says ‘we’re not going to be that, not here’.”
Steven D. Hawkins, Administrator of Tennessee OSHA
Sugaright’s Covington, TN facility was recognized by the State of Tennessee for working 100,000 man-hours without a lost time injury or an injury resulting in restricted duty.
The Governor’s Award of Excellence honors employers and their employees who together have achieved the required number of hours worked without experiencing a lost workday or restricted duty case at their establishments.
Out of 139,000 registered businesses in the state of TN, 10 of these awards are given annually.
Steven D. Hawkins, Administrator of Tennessee OSHA, along with David Blessman, Tennessee OSHA VPP Manager made the Award presentation at the Covington plant in August. This award recognizes a significant milestone in Sugaright’s journey to be the safest sugar producer in the United States.
Congratulations to the Covington Team for a job well done (safely).