Sugaright: Turning Liquid Sugar Green
"Right choices for you, right for the environment, right for your bottom line"
Sustaining the environment forms the core of our line of Sugaright liquid sugar products, available in a range of colors. No longer just “one size fits all”, food manufacturers now have an “eco-friendly” choice. Our Selective Separation process uses only a fraction of the energy of a traditional refinery and produces only minimal wastewater effluents:
To help our customers meet their sustainability commitments, we implemented an innovative multi-pronged production and distribution strategy.

Reduced energy costs and usage by eliminating the evaporation and crystallization steps.
Data from different refineries indicate that almost 50% of the energy in a refinery is used in the evaporation and crystallization of the liquid sugar into granulated sugar.Sugaright has eliminated the crystallization step to significantly decrease the energy use per ton needed to refine sugar.
Energy Benchmarking of the plants in the 2011 year has established that Sugaright uses only 15% of the electricity of a traditional refinery (11 KWH/ton vs 45 KWH/ton).
Reduced wastewater effluents by minimizing use of ion-exchange columns.
Typically, an ion-exchange decolorization plant, handling 1,000 tons of melt per day, will generate a total of 250-300 cubic meters of regeneration and rinsing effluents.Both the resulting high color and high chemical oxygen demand (COD) usually prevent straightforward disposal of process effluents.
Additionally, the evaporators and vacuum pans needed to increase sugar concentrations from 62 to 67.5 degrees Brix require a significant amount of condenser water and more energy.The Sugaright Selective Separation process eliminates these steps associated with extra wastewater and energy.
Reduced fuel use and emissions
To fulfill our commitment to be more environmentally and energy conscious, Sugaright micro-refineries are located in strategic regions, close to food manufacturing centers.
As the US largest importer of raw sugar into the US, we are logistics experts at moving sugar by ship, rail and truck. Our expertise gives us the opportunity to use the most efficient combination of vehicles to transport bulk raw sugar and refined liquid sugar into the US and delivered to our customers. Transport by ship has the lowest energy usage per ton/km. When practical, rail is used to replace transportation by truck and trailer.
Corporate Social Responsibility: Fair Trade International and Bonsucro
Fair Trade and Bonsucro were established to promote fair wages for farmers, to encourage environmentally friendly agricultural practices, and to promote economic viability. Sugaright holds these values as important for all of our shareholders from the farmer to the end consumer.
In 2012, Sugaright became Fair Trade Certified through FLO-CERT INTERNATIONAL and has bought and sold Fair Trade Certificates.
Due to on-going conversations with our supplier mills on the importance of Bonsucro Certification, several of them have put in the investment of time and resource to close gaps and achieve certification.
The Sugaright Director of Sustainability holds an elected position on the Bonsucro Board of Directors and speaks internationally on the value proposition of certified cane sugar.
Continue the conversation. Come see us at Booth V221, or contact us at