Sugaright plants recognized for Safety Achievements

Sugaright senior management recently recognized three of its plants for outstanding safety achievement in 2016. The Covington, TN and the Fairless Hills, PA facilities received Platinum Safety Awards, the highest safety performance recognition award possible. Perhaps the most important criterion for this award is achieving ZERO recordable injuries throughout the entire year. Both plants were injury free in 2016!
The El Paso plant received the Silver Safety Award for 2016. While they had two minor recordable injuries in 2016, they were below the national injury rates for the sugar refining industry as reported annually by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Promoting employee health and working safely is a core value at Sugaright. We have a robust and multifaceted Health & Safety Program in place which is the driving factor in keeping Sugaright well below the national injury rates for our industry for two years in a row,
Congratulations to the Safety Performance Award winners for 2016!